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we can’t imagine our actions, without your support
No matter how small, we know that all help counts.


We like to say “we are family!”

and that makes perfect sense for these children who are starting out abandoned.

We invent the family we can, and even better that we want!

These children are part of this great human chain where everyone counts.


Help us a little, a lot, passionately ...

once, twice or every month. As you can, when you want.

Choisissez votre formule • Choose your donation plan

  • Bourse de cantine

    Every month
    Cafeteria Scholarship
    • Nourrir et scolariser un enfant tous les mois
    • Feeding & educating a child each month
  • Ami d’Atoké

    Every month
    Friend of Atoké
    • Soutenez nous à votre échelle
    • Help us at your scale
  • Grand donateur

    VIP donor
    Valid for one year
    • Facilitez tous nos chantiers • Facilitate our projects
    • Et accélerez nos actions ! • & accelerate our actions!

The donation to Association Atoké - The children of Saint-Dominique

opens the right to a tax reduction because it meets the general conditions provided

in Articles 200, 238 bis and 978 of the General Tax Code.

CORporations and businesses

All payments to Association Atoké - Les enfants de Saint-Dominique allow you to benefit from a corporate tax reduction of 60% of the amount of these payments, capped at € 20,000 or 5 ‰ (5 per thousand) of annual turnover excluding tax of the company. If the ceiling is exceeded, the excess can be carried forward over the next 5 years.


You can benefit from a tax reduction equal to 66% of the amount of your donation, within the limit of 20% of your taxable income. If you owe real estate wealth tax, you benefit from a reduction in your IFI equal to 75% of the amount of your donation, up to a limit of 50,000 euros. Please note that the fraction of the donation that gave rise to a reduction in IFI cannot, at the same time, be eligible for a reduction in IR. When the donation is eligible for both devices, the donor can choose one or the other or decide to allocate his donation.

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